
Response: What are some of your early experiences of reading (the word)?

I would read a pop-up book everytime I visited my grandmother's house. She had huge, floor to ceiling, massive book shelves in her family room and I knew I could always find my special book in the same place. I 'read' to myself, to my grandmother, to my cousins, parents, anyone who would entertain me.

I also remember reading a book with my mom (and sometimes younger sister) every night, before kindergarden had started. It was a book about machines, large and small. For being such a girlie-girl child, looking back, I suppose it's surprising to have been so interested in something so 'boyish' or manly. I memorized the words and 'read' the book most nights to my mom, rather than her reading to me.

These are my earliest memories of my reading experiences.

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