
'Send me your stereotypes' Video


Go to the above link to view a request by Jordan's Queen Rania on YouTube.

After viewing this, I decided to put it in my reading portfolio as a took that could be used by teachers in the classroom to open discussion about not only stereotypes students encounter, but also the desire to have one's own culture accurately portrayed. On open forum discussion could follow after viewing the Queen of Jordan's video, which could stand as a model or demonstration of this type of exploration of thought.


This link is of the video Queen Rania made in response to receiving stereotypes about Arab women she requested during the first video. This can be a follow up to the discussion that followed the first video's viewing. Students could then create a YouTube style video themselves explaining their culture and the misunderstandings surrounding it, addressing stereotypes that could be presented by their classmates or in pop culture, news, media, etc.

I believe in the importance of creating an environment of tolerance and acceptance of ALL, and see ability in starting these conversations in the classroom, taking them to the school, and then the community. YouTube and then media savvy world our students (and ourselves) live in can open these doors.

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