
Agree-Disagree Exercise Used as Implications for Classroom Teaching

I'd like to comment on today's activity and how I could use this in my classroom in small group discussions. I think it would be interesting to do this in a classroom after 'issues' have presented themselves (I do not currently have 'my own' classroom so my thoughts are hypothetical at this point). I can image a few potential statements:

1. Homework should be corrected for spelling and the grade lowered based on how many spelling mistakes are found.

2. Recess should only occur 3 days a week, and the other 2 days should be extra time to work on homework.

3. Classes should be split up based on gender.

4. Students should be aloud to carry cell phones on them at all times in school.

5. Students should be able to choice between P.E., Art, and Music, selecting one as their extra they always attend.

6. All students should wear uniforms to school.

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